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Playful + Modern

Posted by Sarah Herrick-Smisek on
Comfortable, playful, modern, and eco-friendly kids clothing is taking playgrounds in the Twin Ports region by storm. Who’s making these too good to be true pieces? 

Clover + Cotton 

Jen, Clover + Cotton founder and owner, grew up watching both of her parents build their own businesses. With their same entrepreneurial spirit and passion for creating, she knew it was only a matter of time before she’d have her own creative business too.

Not long after becoming a mom herself, Clover + Cotton was born. Its launch stemmed from a desire to create clothing that Jen personally wanted for her own children. She wanted pieces that were well-made, comfortable, and functional. On top of all that, she wanted them to be fun! 

When she couldn’t find clothing locally that measured up to what she was looking for, she started making them herself. Friends of her often asked, “where did you get that?” When she told them she had made it, their next question was always, “will you make one for me?!”

Four plus years later, Clover + Cotton is still hand making clothing for littles with intention, right here in Duluth, MN. We personally love her products and think your kiddos will too. Check them out. They make great gifts for anyone on your holiday

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