So just who is this business exactly? It’s Louve Naturals, and they’re just the kind of intentional businesses we’re excited to bring into our store and introduce all of you to.

Beyond new DLH shirt designs and hats, we’ve really expanded the products we carry this past year. Now more than ever before we’re featuring a variety of local makers. As we curate which new products to add to our shop, we had so much fun learning the unique stories behind each business we bring on board. Knowing the mindful consumers DLH shoppers are, we wanted to share those stories.
So first up, Louve Naturals.
Saranda Oestreicher’s founding of Louve Naturals stemmed from her love of wolves, her earlier career in wildlife research, and her desire to do all she could to help our planet. Saranda passionately believes that sustainable options should be available to everyone who aims to do more. Putting that into practice, Louve Naturals provides affordable, sustainable self care products — think lotion, dry shampoo, facial toner, etc. — so anyone can participate in sustainability.
Fun fact: "Louve" is French for "she-wolf", which we think is pretty boss.
This holiday season we’ll be carrying Louve Naturals’ lotion bars (our personal fave), lip balms, beard oil and dry shampoo. So stop in the shop and join us in helping our earth, one sustainable step at a time.